The history of the Moosmair farm is long and gets even longer with Max at the farmhotel and Sophia at the farm in the 7th generation. Would you like to find out more about it? Well then, off to the bottom!

Farm + Hotel = Farmhotel

The history of the Moosmair farm is long and gets even longer with Max at the farmhotel and Sophia at the farm in the 7th generation. Would you like to find out more about it? Well then, off to the bottom!

Farm history
More than 600 years of moosmair farm and rooms with names, which reflect milestones in the Moosmair chronicle. We will gladly tell you more about it!
The ear of grain takes us back to the year 1393, the year of the first known mention of the Moosmair farm by name. As can be seen in one the oldest documents of the parish archives in Taufers, in 1393 the church in the neighboring village received “the levy of one Star rye from the farms Mossmair & Mairhof in Ahernach”. A “Star” was a former grain measure, which corresponded to about 31 liters.
Herbst Ahrntal Wandern
Thanks to a dispute that took place in 1493, we get to know Moosmair Niklas, the farmer at that time. The Moosmair farm had to pay taxes in kind to its landlords at the castle of Taufers, in our case it was the delivery of wood. During one of the deliveries, disputes arose with the owners of the neighboring forests, whereupon Niklas signed a declaration to settle the dispute.
Herbst Ahrntal Wandern
In 1539 the so called “hunting lodge” contract was written, which regulated the grazing rights of the Moosmair farm in the adjacent Austrian Defreggental. The cows used to be and are still driven to the alpine pastures during the summer months from around mid-May to the end of September. There they can enjoy the fresh mountain grass, while food supplies for the winter months are grown here around the farm.
Herbst Ahrntal Wandern
The oldest original document of the farm dates back to the year 1562 and is called “Weid- & Wunnbrief”. It described the grazing rights at the mountain pastures for each of the farmers from Ahornach. The document was written on brown parchment paper in an old font called “Sütterlin
Herbst Ahrntal Wandern
Similar to the farms, also all forests used to belong to the nobles. In 1656, Veit Moosmair, the owner of the farm at that time, made a request to the Tyrolean sovereign for new forest loans because he urgently needed timber for the farm. His request was granted, and after the abolition of the manorial system in 1848, the forest fiefs that were loaned at the time became property of the farm. The borderlines of the forests were marked with crosses carved in stones, which still exist and apply today.
Herbst Ahrntal Wandern
With the takeover of the farm by Matthias Eder and his son in 1818, not only the direct family line begins, but also the origin of tourism at the farm. Right away they started by completely rebuilding all of their structures including the residential house, the barn, the alpine hut and even the grain mill. Subsequently, in 1850, the farmhouse was extended by a small tavern, which laid the foundation for today‘s Farmhotel.
Herbst Ahrntal Wandern
During the First World War, it was quite common for women to be left alone with the farm and children. At that time, the Moosmair family had to endure heavy losses because within a very short period of time they lost three sons who were all potential farm successors. The last remaining son, unwilling to take over, gave his sister Katharina the chance to continue the farming business. And so in 1923, after almost 700 years, Katharina was the first woman to take over the farm.
Herbst Ahrntal Wandern
Due to the flourishing tourism of the post-war period, the expansion of the “Tauferer” railway and the completion of the road to Ahornach in 1969, our grandfather Max and our grandmother Hilda succeeded in modernizing the farm and the guesthouse. Grandma Hilda brought the necessary know-how and the main focus at the Moosmair was increasingly placed on the small guesthouse with its several rooms. The agriculture has continued as a small sideline job.
Herbst Ahrntal Wandern
When Helmuth and Anneres took over the family business in 2003, the small guesthouse Moosmair was expanded by adding a wellness area and more rooms. In 2007, the main building was renewed and the Arcana herb restaurant was founded – the very first herb restaurant in South Tyrol. From the farm, or rather its small guesthouse arose our charming mountain hotel.
Herbst Ahrntal Wandern
600 years of Moosmair
IN mooseum
In over 600 years of farm history, a lot of things accumulate. Much of it lay dusty in the cellar, on the farm and under the roof until we were given some time a few years ago to sort through the many relics. The result: our very own Mooseum, which gives us a little insight into the everyday life of mountain farmers and the origins of today's Farmhotel.
Suedtirol Volkskundemuseum Moosmair
Museum Suedtirol Ahrntal.
Volkskundemuseum Suedtirol Hotelmoosmair
Kraueuterhotel Suedtirol Volkskundemuseum

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Farmhotel Hofel Moosmair
© 2023 Farmhotel Hofel Moosmair. All rights reserved
Ahornach - Kirchdorf 81, 39032 Sand in Taufers, South Tyrol, Italy